Guest Posting Guidelines
Thanks for contributing to Tecell! We’re guest posting teaming up with some of the best minds in the world of marketing and sales to educate the market on the EV charging industry. By partnering together, we want to showcase your thought leadership while promoting your brand as a trusted resource in your space. With that in mind, here are some guidelines and recommendations for each piece of content that you submit.
Guest Posting Content Tips
List of Desired Blog Post Themes and Topics
In general, posts we accept for guest posting content fall under the following themes:
- Electric vehicles
- EV charging
- Hydrogen based fuels
- Fossil fuel alternatives
While brainstorming what to write about, ask yourself these questions:
- Will this topic be relevant to Tecell`s audience?
- Will this post offer solutions (that don’t require the purchase of my product)?
- Am I qualified to write about this topic?
- What insight can I bring to this topic that nobody else can?
When in doubt, get in touch with us at
Note: We want content from people with hands-on experience in these topics, or as a founder.
Content Tips
The guiding light behind our blog is to share content that’s educational, engaging, and entertaining … not product-focused or promotional.
We’ve built a high level of trust with our customers because they know we will never push something on them that we don’t 110% believe is in their best interests, even when that means telling them not to use our services. Being overly self-promotional destroys that trust, even if your advice is good.
Posts should be 1,000 – 1,500+ words in length. We find this is a sweet spot with our readership, and you’ll fit in with the rest of our blog this way. Longer is good, too.
Break up your content, so it’s easy to read. This means including headings, subheadings, bullets, and any other visual elements to increase the readability of your piece.
Write in a natural, conversational tone. We want to share content that is authoritative, but not robotic. We’re producing blog content — not Wikipedia pages, so don’t shy away from showing off your sense of humour. That said, if your guest post was a movie, the highest rating we’d want to see on it is PG-13.
Guest Post Tips
All content MUST BE ORIGINAL. We do not accept duplicate or syndicated content as guest posts. If your post has appeared anywhere else on the web, we can’t publish it on our blog. If you quote other content, link to it.
Always name your sources. We understand that you’re an expert, but our audience might not be so sure. If you’re going to drop some stats (ie: “open rates jumped 55 per cent overnight”), link back to the original source.
Talk about your real-world experience. Talk about mistakes you’ve made, plans you’ve built, and strategies you’ve executed. Draw on your own personal experience to speak authoritatively about what you know.
Take a position. If you disagree with common wisdom on a topic, talk about why the mainstream point of view is wrong or misleading. Back up your perspective with facts. Take screenshots. Include interesting data. Support your arguments with external references.
Other Things to Include in Your Guest Post
- Statistics. Try to include verifiable first or third-party research, statistics, and data in your post.)
- Outbound Links. Does somebody else have a great point of view on a topic? Want to make sure people know a certain definition of a word or concept? Link to it. Make sure these links are to authoritative sites. Only link to your site if it’s a highly relevant blog post.
- Lists and Bullets. We’re fans. Readers are fans. Most people skim articles until they find the value. Bullet points make this easy.
- Actionable Takeaways. Recap the takeaways of your article as bullet points at the end of your post.
NOTE: *Tecell reserves full editorial control and may edit or tweak submissions as we see fit. These tweaks include anything from removing too much self-promotion to optimizing for SEO, edits both small and large, and more.
Guest Post Promotion
Please feel free to promote your post through your social media, newsletter, or link to it from your blog.
You can even include a snippet of the post on your blog, with a link back to the original content on our site.
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